Monday, April 5, 2010

Fine, be that way!

I bebop toward my office with a happy little booty shake, clutching my acceptance letter from Flash Me Magazine tight in my grubby, ink-stained hands. I want to post it on my wall. A bright shiny beacon of success to stand out against the dreary wallpaper of rejection notices.

I step across the threshold and see them, all three of them. I pause. Kristen looks at me. “How could you?” she sniffs before she throws her nose up in the air and turns her back on me.

“How could I what?” I turn to Reese. “What is the drama queen talking about? What have I done now?”

Reese stands there, a stack of papers in his hand. “You would rather spend your time with these…these…” He glances at the story in his hand. “These children than with us.” Shaking his head in disgust, he tosses the papers back on to the desk. They slide to the floor in a scattered mess. He spins on his heel and storms from the room.

A deep sigh escapes me. These people that live in my head are going to be the death of me.

“Careful what you think,” the third character in the room whispers in my ear. “I could make it happen.”

Yikes! A shiver runs down my spine as I hide the acceptance letter behind my back. I better get back to work on Prey.

Friday, April 2, 2010

You put what where?

Life at my house is never boring.

For example, let me share with you a text message exchange that occurred between myself and my teenaged son earlier this week...

Son: Hey, Mom, when u get home look in my bathroom. I left ya’ something there.

Me: What?

Son: ; p

Me: Son…

Son: A surprise

Me: What is it?

Son: Nope. Surprise.

Time passes. I worry. I text Son.

Me: What kind of surprise? Good or bad?

Son: Good… I think.

Me: Tell me… NOW

Son: It’s a goat.

Me: WHAT?!? You left a GOAT in your bathroom? WHY? How did it get there? Where did it come from? How old is it? Does it have food? Water?

Son: 2 yrs & yeah, water

AAARRGGHHHH!!!!! Does anyone know how much damage a 2 year old goat can do in a small confined space? I finally get home from work, race to the bathroom, fling open the door and find... a horrible smell, a huge mess and...

a three week old "bottle baby" goat.

I cleaned and deodorized the bathroom, found a new home for the baby goat, and asked my son nicely to avoid bringing me any more "surprises"!

As I said, life at my house is NEVER boring.